Oklahoma 4-H
The World's Brightest Green
About 4-H
4-H Activities
Our Impact
- 4-H Members are 4 times more likely to contribute to their communities.
- 4-H members are 2 times more likely to participate in STEM programs.
- 4-H members are 2 times more likely to be healthier.
- 4-H members are 2 times more likely to be civically active.
Why Join Oklahoma 4-H?
Youth Gain Lifelong Skills
Oklahoma 4-H youth will enhance their effective decision making skills, discover a personal pride from their growing achievements and practice being environmental stewards. Our youth are empowered by their leadership skills and have a continued opportunity to evolve in a variety of experiences.
4-H members participate and have the opportunity to lend a helping hand to others in their local community. They learn responsibility, communication, teamwork and other valuable life skills through hard work, state, national and international trips, making new friends and creating lifelong memories.