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4-H Youth Development

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Have you ever wondered where your food comes from? Explore how we get the food that we eat! Highlighting the importance of the farm.


Agriculture Forever Branded

You may not realize it, but agriculture is an integrated part of your everyday life. From the clothes you wear, to the food you eat, agriculture is everywhere. Join us as we discuss the importance of agriculture and the byproducts we receive from this vital industry.


Chickens in Chaps

Follow us as we take eggs from Hen to Home. We will discuss the journey our food travels to reach our plate. Bring your cowboy hat because it's a long ride!


The Proven Protein

Protein is a critical component in our diets. Discover what makes meat the proven protein, and how we can utilize meat to enhance our daily lives. You will receive some tips on selecting the perfect cut of meat. Get ready to judge some steak cowpokes!

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