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4-H Youth Development

Precipitation Powers

Discover the magic behind how rain forms and descends to the earth. we will put our knowledge to the test through making rain.

Supplies List (If you don't have something, substitute it out with something else, be creative)

For Experiment

  • Precipitation Powers Handout

  • Large clear glass or clear plastic cup
  • Food coloring (blue preferably)
  • Shaving cream (foam not gel) 
  • Pipettes, eye droppers or straws
  • Water

For Snack

  • Round cheese or apple slice
  • Straw or pretzel stick


Cloudy with a Chance of Charm

Find your head in the clouds as you learn to identify the various shapes and types of clouds and create your very own cloud!

Supplies List (If you don't have something, substitute it out with something else, be creative)



Wicked Winds

Hold on to your hat because things are about to get windy as we discover what forms tornadoes and create your own vortex.

Supplies List (If you don't have something, substitute it out with something else, be creative)

  • Wicked Winds Handout

  • Two 1 liter bottles of water or soda (you can also use 2 liter bottles but I like the smaller ones because they are easier to hold)
  • A metal washer
  • Blue food coloring
  • Duct tape


Solar Symbols

Find symbols in the sun as we travel back in time to use the sun to tell time. You will get to construct your very own sundials.

Supplies List (If you don't have something, substitute it out with something else, be creative)


Weather Careers in Action

Supplies List (If you don't have something, substitute it out with something else, be creative)

Suggested Materials

  • Weather Careers in Action Handout
  • First aid kit
  • Maps
  • Spare clothes
  • Pet supplies
  • Copies of personal documents
  • Battery powered radio
  • Chargers
  • Flashlights
  • Extra batteries
  • Sanitation
  • Blankets
  • Personal hygiene
  • Water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Can opener