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State 4-H Meat Judging Contest

Listed below are important facts from Dr. Gretchen Mafi, about the 2025 State 4-H Meat Judging Contest, which will be held on April 26, 2025. Please inform your 4-H members and volunteer leaders.

  1. The contest will be held at the Oklahoma State University Food Agriculture Processing Center on April 26, 2025.  Check-in will be at 11:00 am in ANSI Building Room 123. The contest will begin promptly at 11:30 am.
  2. Junior 4-H members are 9 (or fourth grade) -13 years of age as of January 1, and senior 4-H members are 14-18 years of age as of January 1.
  3. Teams must be composed of at least three members, and individuals will be allowed to participate. *To represent Oklahoma at an out-of-state contest, individuals must be 14 years of age by January 1, 2025 and be on a Senior team.
  4. All team participants should bring writing pencils and a clip board. We will have scan sheets available at the contest!!!!!!
  5. The contest format will be the same:  6 judging classes, 3 sets of oral reasons for senior and 2 sets of questions for juniors (5 questions per class), and 30 ID cuts (juniors identify species, primal and retail name).  Information can be found at and scansheets can be found at
  6. Remember to dress for being in a cold cooler for two (2) hours. Warm clothes and warm footwear. No open toe shoes or sandals.
  7. Hairnets will be provided and are required while in FAPC. 


All teams/contestants must submit the Certification Form.