Duds to Dazzle
In the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development Program, 4-H members participate in the 4-H Fashion & Interior Design project to become knowledgeable in a multitude of concentrated skills including, but not limited to, design, construction and consumer buying. The Oklahoma 4-H Duds to Dazzle qualifying competition has taken another step in expanding the learning experience by “going green” through the introduction of eco-fashion.
- Allow participants to exhibit knowledge and skills gained through their 4-H Fashion & Interior Design project by designing, constructing, and presenting a finished product.
- Allow participants learning opportunities.
- Promote teamwork.
- Help 4-H’ers gain experience in public speaking.
- Provide leadership opportunities for young people.
- Assist youth in gaining an appreciation for recycling textiles so that they do not end up in the waste stream.
- Participant Rules (County/District/State Levels)
Note: These rules may be modified to accommodate the needs of a county/district level contest. Therefore, be sure to obtain the current year’s rules for your county/district event.
- Participation. Participants must be 4-H members currently enrolled in Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development County program.
- Eligibility. Age divisions are determined by a participant’s age as of August 31 of
the current 4-H year in accordance with what is stated in the current Oklahoma 4-H
Rules and Guidelines.
Division Grades Junior 3 thru 5 Intermediate 6 thru 8 Senior 9 thru 12 - Teams per county. Each county may enter a maximum of two junior and/or intermediate teams, and a maximum of two senior teams at a district contest.
- Members per team. Each team will have a maximum of three members per team. Junior/Intermediate teams may include members in different age divisions.
- Entry fee. Each team may be required to pay a registration fee to cover the cost of materials for the contest. The fee will be determined by the committee.
- Design categories. There will be three categories in each age division: Wearable,
Accessory/Jewelry, and Non-wearable. Teams will be randomly assigned to a category,
but assignments will not be announced until check-in on the day of contest.
- Wearable is clothing that is suitable to be worn by people or pets. Ex: shirt, coat, vest, dress, costume, leggings, swimsuit cover, etc.
- Accessory/Jewelry is an article or set of articles that can be added to an outfit to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive. Ex: apron, earrings, purse, headband, hat, belt, necklace, etc.
- Non-wearable is an item that is not suitable to be worn. Ex: pillow, towel, jewelry pouch, cellphone or iPad case, stuffed animal, doll clothes, Christmas stocking, etc.
- Attire. Each team will have the option to wear coordinating clothing appropriate for construction and the team presentation. A team name is acceptable.
- Resource materials. A Planning and Presentation Worksheet will be provided for each team at the contest. No other resource materials will be allowed. The following resources are available for teams to use in preparation for competition: Unraveling the Mystery of Design Elements and Principles in Clothing, Laundry on Your Own, Hand Stitching, Pricing Tips and Tricks, Safety Guide, and Simple Seaming Techniques.
- Sewing kit. Each team must supply their own equipment for the competition. A team can choose not to include a listed item, but no additional item can be added. Kits will be checked by contest officials as teams check in for the contest. Any extra equipment will be confiscated, and the team may be disqualified. See page 8 for list.
- Awards. County/District awards will be determined by the committee.
- Participants with disabilities. Any competitor who requires auxiliary aids or special accommodations must contact the state 4-H office at least two weeks before the competition.
- Rules of Play
- Teams will report to the designated location for check-in.
- An orientation will be provided for all participants.
- No electronic devices or jewelry (except for medically required) is allowed in the contest. This includes cell phones, smart watches or other communication devices.
- Each team will be directed to a construction station. There will be collections of materials at each station, but no pattern. The materials following categories: Wearable, Accessory/Jewelry, or Non-wearable.
- Each team will have 60 minutes to construct an item, plan a presentation, and clean up the construction area.
- A textile, worksheet, and any necessary additional instructions will be located at each station to assist the team. Teams will no longer be given a scenario card.
- Only participants and contest officials will be allowed in construction areas.
- Teams that may experience any equipment malfunction(s) may not replace the equipment with supplies from another team, volunteers, County Extension Agents, or contest officials. Instead, team members must work together and be creative in completing construction without the malfunctioning equipment.
- Each team will be provided with a startup textile item(s) for their assigned category and will create a garment/item using them. Each category may be provided the same textile, or each category may receive a separate original item. Clarification: at contest, all teams competing in Wearable may receive a men’s button-down dress shirt; each team competing in Accessory/Jewelry get 5 silk neck ties; and the teams entered in the Non-wearable category are given table runners or every team competing in Duds to Dazzle is provided with an adult sized t-shirt to refurbish. The choice is at the discretion of the contest officials.
- Teams are challenged with being creative in developing an original product with the
materials provided.
- Teams must incorporate each material into the product. However, teams may determine the exact amount of each material to use, keeping in mind that a minimum of 50% of the visible final product must include the initial material(s). Clarification: if the category is Accessory/Jewelry, and the team is provided a cloth shower curtain as the original item to be refurbished, they do not have to use 50% of the shower curtain. If you choose to make a purse from the shower curtain, you do not need to use 50% of the shower curtain; however, a minimum of 50% of the visible finished purse must be comprised of the curtain. The lining of the purse that can be opened is considered visible. If the shower curtain is used as stabilizer between layers of fabric would not be visible.
- Teams will have access to a “closet” of additional materials that may be incorporated into their products. The number of additional materials a team may get will be determined by contest officials and announced during participant orientation.
- The sketch book, note cards, and worksheet may be used to prepare for construction of the item and the team’s presentation. Teams should be exact on materials utilized, construction steps, techniques used, etc.
- When time is called, each team will present their item, according to the criteria
on the score card, to a panel of at least two judges. A team can display the final
product to the judges as they choose: model, hold, or place on the table.
- All team members must participate in the presentation, with at least three of them having a speaking role.
- Judging time will include:
- 5 minutes for the presentation
- 3 minutes for judges’ questions
- 4 minutes between team presentations for judges to score and write comments.
- Teams are allowed the use of note cards during the presentation but should not read from them, as this minimizes the effectiveness of their communication.
- Judges may ask teams questions that are not directly related to the item constructed during the contest. Questions may address the general knowledge gained through the 4-H members’ Fashion & Interior Design project learning experiences.
- No talking or writing is allowed among any team members while waiting to give the team presentation. Team members caught talking and/or writing will receive a warning. The second time, the team will be disqualified and asked to leave the contest facility. Team members should not have pens or pencils in their possession while waiting to give their presentation.
- Teams must clean their construction areas. Clean-up time is included in the 60-minute construction allotment. Only “hot” items will be allowed to remain in the construction area, such as an iron or glue gun.
- It is at the discretion of the contest officials if finished products will remain, or if teams may take.
- Placing will be based on ranking of teams by judges. Judges’ results are final.
- An awards program will be held after the judging process.
- Duds to Dazzle Sewing Kit
Each team will bring a sewing kit containing only one each of the following items unless a different quantity is noted. A team can choose not to include a listed item, but no additional item can be added. A team may organize their kit by utilizing a storage container of choice.
- 1” foam paint brush (max. of 3)
- 1” hook and eye closer
- 3” x 5” or 4” x 6” note cards (1 pkg.)
- 3-in-1 beading tool
- Bobbins
- Calculator
- Clear gridded ruler
- E-6000 glue adhesive
- Elastic (1/2” and 1”; 1 pkg. each)
- Extension cord
- Fabric markers (box of 10 or less)
- Fabric marking pens/pencils (max. of 2)
- Water bottle (max. of 16 oz.)
- First aid kit
- Storage bags–Gallon/quart (1 box each)
- Hand sewing needles (assortment)
- Hot glue gun & glue sticks (1 pkg.)
- Iron
- Manual pencil sharpener
- Mod podge (max. of 16 oz.)
- No-sew adhesive tape (max. of 10 yds.)
- Paper plates (max.25)
- Paper towels (1 roll)
- Pencils/pens (max. 5 each)
- Pin cushion
- Power strip
- Presser feet (max. of 5)
- Rotary cutter (with blade cover)
- Rotary cutter gloves (1 pair)
- Safety pins (1 pkg. assortment)
- Seam gauge
- Seam ripper (max. 5)
- Self-adhesive Velcro fastener (1 pkg.)
- Self- healing cutting mat
- Sewing machine (standard, no Serger)
- Sewing machine manual
- Sewing machine needles (variety)
- Sew-on Velcro fastener (1 pkg.)
- Shears/scissors (max. of 5)
- Sketchbook
- Straight pins (1 package)
- Tabletop ironing mat or board
- Tape measure (max. 5)
- Thimble (max. of 5)
- Thread (max. of 12 spools)
- Timer or stopwatch
- Trash bags (1 box of 13-gal.)
- Participant Orientation
Note: Not all elements included in the participant orientation may be applicable to each contest offered. Therefore, this orientation may be modified based on the needs of a county/district contest.
- Welcome to the 4-H Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition!
- Teams will have 60 minutes to construct a garment or item, plan a presentation, and clean up the construction area. A 30-minute warning, 10-minute warning, 5-minute warning, and 1 minute warning will be given. We suggest that you start working on your presentation at the 10-minute warning. No talking or writing is allowed after the 60 minutes is up.
- Each team will be provided with a set of materials reflective of the assigned category
and will create a product using them.
- Teams must incorporate each material into the product. However, teams may determine the exact amount of each material to use, keeping in mind that a minimum of 50% of the visible final product must include the initial material(s). Clarification: if the category is Accessory/Jewelry, and the team is provided a cloth shower curtain as the original item to be refurbished, they do not have to use 50% of the shower curtain. If you choose to make a purse from the shower curtain, you do not need to use 50% of the shower curtain; however, a minimum of 50% of the visible finished purse must be comprised of the curtain. The lining of the purse that can be opened is considered visible. If the shower curtain is used as stabilizer between layers of fabric would not be visible.
- Teams will have access to a “closet” of additional materials that may be incorporated into their constructed piece. Each team is allowed (To be determined) additional materials (explain process).
- Teams that may experience any equipment malfunction(s) may not replace the equipment with supplies from another team, volunteers, County Extension Agents, or contest officials. Instead, team members must work together and be creative in completing construction without the malfunctioning equipment.
- If electricity goes out during the construction phase of the contest, teams are asked to turn away from the table immediately. Contest officials will stop the clock so that no construction time is lost.
- Trash cans are located throughout the room for your use.
- Each team had the opportunity to include a small first aid kit in their sewing kit. If you did not bring a first aid kit, the contest officials have one. If you happen to need first aid, please let your group leader know immediately so they can assist you.
- After the 60-minute construction time is up, your area must be clean, and all the supplies and scrap materials must be put into your sewing kit, returned to the sewing closet, or thrown away. Points can be deducted for unclean construction areas. It is allowable to leave hot items, such as an iron, on the table to cool.
- After time is called for the 60-minute construction period, no talking or writing is allowed among any team members. Team members caught talking and/or writing will receive a warning. The second time, the team will be disqualified and asked to leave the contest facility. Team members should not have pens or pencils in their possession while waiting to give their presentation.
- Please remain seated once time is up, and do not leave the room unless escorted by your group leader to another room to wait to give your team presentation. (If needed, provide instructions on where teams will wait to give presentations.)
- If you need to use the restroom, please let your group leader know.
- After your team presentation, please walk back to your assigned seating area quietly, and place your constructed project back on the designated table. (It is at the discretion of the contest officials if finished products will remain or if teams may take.)
- After your team presentation, you maybe be asked to complete an evaluation, giving you the opportunity to share with us your experience in the Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition. When you are done with the evaluation, you are dismissed to leave.
- If you have any questions, please ask your group leader.
- Good Luck!
- Group Leader Orientation
Note: Not all elements included in the group leader orientation may be applicable to each contest offered. Therefore, this orientation may be modified based on the needs of a county/district contest.
- Welcome!
- Make introductions and assign each group leader to a category. You’ll need 1-2 group leaders per category, depending on facilities and whether the contest is run in one or two heats.
- Objectives of the 4-H Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition:
- Allow participants to exhibit knowledge and skills gained through their 4-H Fashion & Interior Design project by designing, constructing, and presenting a finished product.
- Allow participants learning opportunities.
- Promote teamwork.
- Help 4-H’ers gain experience in public speaking.
- Provide leadership opportunities for young people.
- Assist youth in gaining an appreciation for recycling textiles so that they do not end up in the waste stream.
- Definition of teams: Made up of three to five members.
- Contest and Judging Procedures (review so group leaders understand the process and
can answer questions if needed):
- Groups have been randomly assigned to one of three categories: Wearable, Accessory/ Jewelry, or Non-wearable.
- Teams do not know to which category they have been assigned until they arrive today.
- Each team will be provided with a set of materials reflective of the assigned category and will create a garment/item using them.
- Teams must incorporate each material into the constructed product. However, teams may determine the exact amount of each material to use. A minimum of 50% of the visible finished product must be from the initial start-up item or items.
- Teams will have access to a “closet” of additional materials that may be incorporated into their product (explain process, including amounts allowed).
- Each team is provided with a worksheet. No other written resources may be used.
- Teams that may experience any equipment malfunction(s) may not replace the equipment with supplies from another team, volunteers, County Extension Agents, or contest officials. Instead, team members must work together and be creative in completing construction without the malfunctioning equipment. If electricity goes out during the construction phase of the contest, teams are asked to turn away from the table immediately. Contest officials will stop the clock so that no construction time is lost.
- Trash cans are located throughout the room for use by teams.
- Please observe teams during the 60-minute construction period. If you see an accident getting ready to happen, do your best to step in and prevent bodily harm or injury.
- Each team had the opportunity to include a small first aid kit in its sewing kit. The contest committee also has first aid kits on-hand in case of an injury (burn, cut, etc.). If a 4-H member needs first aid due to a cut or burn, please assist them if they need help. Let group leaders know where first aid kit is located.
- After the 60-minute construction time is up, each team’s construction area must be clean, and all the supplies and scrap material must be placed in their sewing kit, returned to the sewing closet, or thrown away. If they have a hot glue gun or iron cooling, it may be the only thing out on the table other than the completed product.
- After time is called for the 60-minute construction period, no talking or writing is allowed among any team members. Team members caught talking and/or writing will receive a warning. The second time, the team will be disqualified and asked to leave the contest facility. Team members should not have pens or pencils in their possession while waiting to give their presentation. Group leaders are asked to monitor and observe teams for talking and/or writing and can give warnings, keeping contest officials informed of warnings given. Provide instructions on where to lead teams to waiting area for presentations.
- After the 60-minute construction period, teams will give their presentation. There
will be:
- 5 minutes for a presentation,
- 3 minutes for judges’ questions, and
- 4 minutes between team presentations for scoring and comments.
- Please send in teams to the judging room in order by team number. It’s important that we stay on time with the judging of presentations, so the entire contest can stay on time.
- If group leaders are also serving as timekeepers for presentations, review their responsibilities (i.e., knock on door at 5 minutes and then open door at 3 minutes).
- During the construction portion of the contest, or while teams are waiting to give their presentation, if any 4-H member must use the restroom, you may allow them to go. There are hall monitors ensuring they do not talk to other 4-H members, parents, etc., out in the hallway. When releasing a 4-H member to use the restroom, please alert the hall monitor.
- Thank you
- Judges’ Orientation
Note: Not all elements included in the judges’ orientation may be applicable to each contest offered. Therefore, this orientation may be modified based on the needs of a county/district contest.
- Welcome!
- Make introductions and divide into judging groups. Need 2-3 judges per category
- Objectives of the 4-H Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition:
- Allow participants to exhibit knowledge and skills gained through their 4-H Fashion & Interior Design project by designing, constructing, and presenting a finished product.
- Allow participants learning opportunities.
- Promote teamwork.
- Help 4-H’ers gain experience in public speaking.
- Provide leadership opportunities for young people.
- Assist youth in gaining an appreciation for recycling textiles so that they do not end up in the waste stream.
- Definition of teams: Made up of no more than 3 members
- Contest and Judging Procedures:
- Groups have been randomly assigned to one of three categories: Wearable, Accessory Jewelry, or Non-wearable.
- Teams do not know to which category they have been assigned until they arrive today.
- Each team will be provided with a set of materials reflective of the assigned category and will create a garment/item using them.
- Teams must incorporate each material into the product. However, teams may determine the exact amount of each material to use, keeping in mind that a minimum of 50% of the visible final product must include the initial material(s). Clarification: if the category is Accessory/Jewelry, and the team is provided a cloth shower curtain as the original item to be refurbished, they do not have to use 50% of the shower curtain. If you choose to make a purse from the shower curtain, you do not need to use 50% of the shower curtain; however, a minimum of 50% of the visible finished purse must be comprised of the curtain. The lining of the purse that can be opened is considered visible. If the shower curtain is used as stabilizer between layers of fabric would not be visible.
- Teams will have access to a “closet” of additional materials that may be incorporated into their design (explain process, including amounts allowed).
- Each team is provided with a worksheet that can be used to help the team members prepare their presentation. Teams are not allowed to bring in their own resources.
- Judges will receive: A copy of the scorecard.
- Fifty percent of the team score is based on the preparation portion of the contest. Judges will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating teams during the preparation portion. Judges’ comments and scores will be entered in Section 1 of the scorecard.
- After the 60-minute construction period, teams will give their presentation. Judges’
comments and scores will be entered on Section 2 of the scorecard. There will be:
- 5 minutes for a presentation,
- 3 minutes for judges’ questions, and
- 4 minutes between team presentations for scoring and comments.
- At least three members of the team must have a speaking role during the presentation, and all members must participate.
- Team presentations should highlight the elements provided on the scorecard, as well as additional information the team may feel the judges should know. If time allows, review the scorecard with the judges.
- Teams are allowed the use of note cards during the presentation but should not read from them, as this minimizes the effectiveness of their communication.
- When asking questions of the teams, please be certain to keep them age appropriate. While each presentation will vary, it’s also important to try your best to be consistent with the questions you ask each team.
- Please be sure to provide comments on the scorecard for each team. This will help them improve their presentation in the future. Constructive feedback gives young people a positive learning experience.
- Placing will be based on the order in which you rank teams. Judges’ results are final
announcement. - Please stay on time with the judging of presentations so the entire contest can stay on time.
- Provide instructions on time: group leaders will serve as timekeeper, knocking on door after 5 minutes and then opening the door after another 3 minutes – OR – each judging team will be given a timer and asked to monitor time.
- Thank you!
- Competition Resources
In preparation for the Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition, participants may choose to study the following resources:
- Duds to Dazzle Explore Curriculum
- Laundry on Your Own
- Unraveling the Mystery of Design Elements and Principles in Clothing (4H 313) – Iowa State University Extension
- Hand Stitching (15.105). SEW-lotions Guidelines, Your Guide to Successful Sewing
- Simple Seaming Techniques (11.110). SEW-lotions Guidelines, Your Guide to Successful Sewing
- Pricing Tips and Tricks
- Safety Guide
These resources and additional information regarding the Duds to Dazzle Fashion & Interior Design Competition can be found on the Texas 4-H website.