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4-H Youth Development

Food Showdown Roundup 2024

Healthy living is the core of 4-H and remains a foundation of our pledge. Although 4-H believes that healthy living habits of young people begin in the context of their families and communities, we strive to equip youth with healthy living knowledge and skills that will prepare them physically, emotionally and socially to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The 4-H Food Showdown was developed by county Extension educators and state Extension specialist to address the need for a new, 4-H foods and nutrition experience. This contest, modeled after such competitions as the Food Network’s “Chopped”, challenges teams of 4-H members to create a recipe using the 4 provided secret ingredients, and a common pantry. From these ingredients, team members must use their food and nutrition knowledge, creativity and leadership skills to prepare a recipe and put together a presentation for the judges. The presentation includes information about the serving size, nutritional value and steps taken to prepare the recipe. The 4-H Food Showdown allows 4-H members to demonstrate their culinary and kitchen safety skills to judges and observers.



  • Provide opportunities for participants to exhibit their food and nutrition knowledge, skill and creativity when preparing and presenting food.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to learn from other team members, while promoting
  • Give participants opportunities for public speaking and leadership.
  • Give 4-H members the opportunity to participate in a competitive event.


2022 4-H Food Showdown Revision Committee:

  •  Cathy Allen, 4-H Curriculum Coordinator, Senior Extension Specialist
  • Jean Bailey, Extension Educator; Dewey County
  • Sonya McDaniel, Extension Educator, Pottawatomie County
  • Sara Randolph, Southeast District Program Specialist
  • Dea Rash, Extension Educator, Payne County


2009 4-H Food Showdown Original Committee members:

  • Cathy Allen, 4-H Curriculum Coordinator, Assistant Extension Specialist
  • Barbara Brown, Food Specialist, Associate Professor
  • Valeri Evans, Extension Educator, Kingfisher County
  • Deana Hildebrand, Nutrition Specialist, Assistant Professor
  • Jessica Riggin, Extension Educator, Lincoln County
  • Sara Randolph, Extension Educator, Marshall County
  • Jennifer Wiederstein, Extension Educator, Custer County
  • Sonya McDaniel, Extension Educator, Pottawatomie County
  • Jean Bailey, Extension Educator, Dewey County