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4-H Youth Development

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Oklahoma State University Collegiate 4-H is a student organization involved in community service, promoting 4-H, encouraging civic engagement and leadership and assisting 4-H groups from around the state with various tasks.


What We Do...

OSU Collegiate 4-H has organization meetings twice a month every other Monday at 5:30 p.m. (subject to change)!   Call (405) 744-8888 for more information.  We do community service projects, participate in OSU's Homecoming Celebration, attend regional and national conferences and assist in local, county and state 4-H programs. We develop friendships and contacts that will last a lifetime.


Our Past...

Oklahoma State University Collegiate 4-H (Delta Sigma Alpha) began 1916, proving that it is the first Collegiate 4-H club in the nation and the longest running student organization on the OSU campus.  Collegiate 4-H is sometimes recognized with the Greek letters Delta Sigma Alpha because the club was originally considered as a fraternity for agricultural extension scholarship winners.  Today, Collegiate 4-H is a student organization for any student that is interested in community service, 4-H youth development, leadership, and making great friends.


Who Can Join...

Membership is open to any college student wanting to have fun, make new friends, serve the community, mentor 4-Hers and assist with Oklahoma 4-H activities.  Prior experience with 4-H is not required, and you do not have to be a student of the Ferguson College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.