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4-H Youth Development

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2025 Oklahoma 4-H Awards Program

Recognition is a tool that 4-H leaders can use to help each 4-H member have a satisfying experience in the 4-H Program. The question is--How can recognition be used to encourage desirable growth and development in boys and girls?


First, individual differences must be considered. Some 4-H members find in competition, the incentives for creative thinking and the encouragement to develop talents. Competing with one's past achievements helps the individual develop perspective on his past achievements, when measuring himself against the achievements of others.


For some individuals, measuring their abilities against others may only deepen a sense of inferiority. Others who are quite secure may not be interested in competitive efforts but will see the value of working cooperatively with groups in achieving certain goals.


The 4-H program strives to allow members a variety of learning experiences. Some activities allow members to work in groups, like in a club setting. While other activities, such as contests, allow the work of members to be judged against a standard or against peers.


4-H leaders and parents should evaluate activities on a regular basis to determine if competition and recognition are supporting an educational process. The learning process is always more important than the ribbon, and parents and leaders often need to reinforce the idea.

Resources for Record Book Keeping

An easy to use, fillable file to keep track of your monthly 4-H adventures.

4-H Monthly Record Book Keeping


2025 Oklahoma Awards Program

Tools for Understanding 4-H Record Books and Scholarships



2025 Pickens Legacy Scholarships

Applications due date - February 1, 2025


2025 Report Forms and Applications


2025 Awards Program Score Sheets


SAMPLE PowerPoints for 4-H Members


Database Information (Educators)

How to Combine PDF Files

How to Combine PDF Files in Adobe


Educator Check-List

2025 Record Book Check-List for Educators


Recordbook Database

Recordbook Transmittal Database