Become a Volunteer!
Is Becoming a 4-H Volunteer for You?
A “certified” 4-H volunteers must be 21 years of age and must complete the OK Extension Volunteer screening process. Apply online through ZSuite.
Once approved there will be a general 4-H orientation process and annual continuing education expectations.
Only “certified” volunteers are permitted to work directly with youth and can serve in one or more of the following roles: club leader, project leader, activity leader, and/or general volunteer. Sample positions descriptions.
Non-Certified Adult Volunteers -Locally there are opportunities to serve as an episodic volunteer. Non-certified volunteers cannot have direct contact with youth without full supervision and a defined role which describes the scope of their responsibilities.
4-H Volunteer Continuing EducationOklahoma 4-H is dedicated to offering high-quality continuing education to help volunteers enhance their knowledge, skills, and performance in delivering and managing impactful 4-H programs. An informed volunteer base is vital for providing leadership in program planning, development, and delivery at local, county, district, and state levels.
To support these efforts, 4-H provides both subject matter content and a structured framework for program delivery.
This framework includes, but is not limited to, the following 4-H models:
Each year, volunteers are required to complete a review of:
- “4-H Working with Minors”
- “Respecting Civil Rights”
Additionally, volunteers must earn a minimum of four continuing education credits annually.
Opportunities to earn credits include:
- Programs conducted at the county level with Extension educator.
- District, state and regional volunteer conferences.
- Live Webinars.
- Project specific training such as Shooting Sports Certification.
- ZSuite Clover Academy
- Other outside opportunities with direct content application to the 4-H youth development effort must be recognized and approved by the county Extension staff.